Spindrift Research
Exploring consciousness and prayer

What are three Spindrift contributions to science?

  • The effects of directed prayers are goals visualized within the mind.
  • The effects of non directed prayers orchestrate appropriate actions to occur.
  • The Defense Mechanisms that prevent human beings from knowing too much about their paranormal experiences. The prevention is similar to the Klingons in Star Trek who use a cloaking device. Defense Mechanisms cloak us from recalling correctly most of our paranormal and spiritual experiences. 

The three Spindrift contributions to science include the following:

There are two motives that produce two different effects from some prayers. To illustrate the two effects, volunteers who prayed for the tests tended to have a plan in mind to direct what they wanted to happen or they suppressed their plans and supported what was best to happen. From these two motives, Spindrift isolated two different effects from prayers.

The third contribution to science explains when the mind acts like a weapon of mental distortion, a WMD. We have defense systems that often disrupt our comprehension of our spiritual and psychic experiences. When we have a paranormal experience, our Defense Mechanisms deflect us away from a clear picture. Why is there a distortion of what happened to us? Defense Mechanisms don't want us to be overwhelmed or thunderstruck.

Our minds are hacked, so we don't clearly grasp and fathom what we experienced. We can have our psychic and spiritual experiences. It's just that our memory is edited and does not accurately represent what happened. Our paranormal experiences often become contaminated with lies about what happened. About all we can do is access our memories indirectly through symbolic meaning, poetry, and word pictures.

The slippery nature of psychic phenonema relates to the lyrics by comedians Homer and Jethro: "They will never catch her unaware, because she will lead them into the round house, and they will never corner her there.”

Could you explain these contributions to science?

Yes. When prayer produced an effect that could be followed, the effect of prayer either moved an organism away from its proper order or toward its proper order. The direction toward or away from order was determined by the motive driving the prayer.

Spindrift compared two motives that drive intercessory prayer. One motive drives a goal-directed prayer. The other motive drives a non goal-directed prayer. These two prayer motives are explained below.

Contribution One

What is a goal-directed prayer? It is a prayer that has a concrete goal in mind to achieve.

The motive that drives a goal-directed prayer is to choose a goal. The chosen goal could be a good, bad, or selfish goal. People may hope that their goal-directed prayer is also a God-directed prayer. Some people ask to check that their chosen goal is within God's will, but sometimes the goal is not a good choice. An asking prayer to reach a goal does have a force behind it. This force behind prayer very often asks to get us material things. Less often, an asking prayer asks that Quality and purpose are behind it.

Goal-directed prayer is also called petitionary prayer. Petitioners petition for what they want. Jesus did say, "Ask, and ye shall receive." {John 16:24.} Also, "You have not, because you ask not." {James 4:2.} The act of asking is faith toward the expectation to receive.

An asking prayer of expectation can sometimes piggyback its force on top of the power of the placebo effect in lieu of piggybacking on Quality and purpose driving it. The piggyback effect may make prayer become more powerful for good or ill. Why? The two forces of thought are pushing in the same direction.

Asking to receive is fine when the asking has a good motive. To know the motive of a prayer is key. Why is that? Much asking is for material gain and winning over someone else winning and receiving. {James 4:3.}

During a petitionary prayer, the ratio of God's plans versus man's plans for a goal is problematic. Why? Our goals in prayer often draw on our ego-wants and our biological mind instead of our goals drawing on the spiritual Mind to get us things. The caution is to be alert to if biology guides us or if Mind guides us. To get us things is often the Matrix talking to us and not the spiritual Mind talking to us.

For example, the Spindrift experiments illustrate that the biological mind's selected goal does not often reference God's plans, the proper order, or norms needed in a situation. A divergent order emerges that has no relationship to the proper order that is needed. "If the Lord does not build a house, then those who build it work in vain." {Psalm 127:1.} It is presumed that God's plans have a relationship to "Order is heaven's first law."

Goal-directed prayer is conditional prayer. Conditions have to be met to reach a goal. Such as, a goal is activated through a person having strong faith in the goal where faith directs the goal. {Mark 11:23, 24.} Also, asking for a goal often involves visualizing the end-result. Another condition to be met might be to ignore other options as goals. By ignoring other options, the goal we focus on and visualize, we magnify. We may learn later that our focus on a preplanned goal wasn't thinking big enough or was not appropriate.

Goal-directed prayer tends to be a formula that focuses on a specific goal rather than on what should be an appropriate solution. "I want to get the result I want," "I speak and my words achieve," "I ask to get it," and "My will be done" describe many goal-directed prayers. Goal-directed prayer amounts to "I name it and claim it," "As I believe, so I receive," "It is anointed and appointed," "I shall have what I declare," and "You sow where you want to go."

In comparison, a goal-directed prayer that asks to be guided and receptive to receive an appropriate goal doesn't make the personal ego-efforts to get material things. Receptivity to guidance outside our ego allows Quality and the Christ to help guide a goal. This receptive approach asks that our specific goal is also a worthy goal. This more spiritual goal-directed prayer is rare in our goal-oriented culture.

What about goal-directed prayers that produce negative effects? There are plenty of those prayers.

For example, a goal-directed prayer might do unintentional harm. This unintentional harm can happen when people believe that their prayers are right to do what they do. Here is how the Spindrift experiments illustrate this unintentional harm. People believed they were right when their prayers pushed organisms around where the results of tests showed no relationship to aligning with a healing-order or outcome.

There are also intentional goal-directed prayers to do harm. These are ego-prayers of I am right that directly intend to do harm. Harmful malpractice prayers say, "I am okay and right. You are not okay and wrong." It's shocking when people produce evil prayers. Harmful ego-prayers are launched when people believe that it's God's will to harm other people and situations.

There is a different mindset between knowing I am right and knowing the Truth. Knowing I am right is the human ego forcing its opinions and goals to be right. Knowing the Truth is healing.

Spindrift found out that it is fairly easy to pray with a motive of prejudice that does more harm than good.

Negative and evil prayers are produced by perverted goal-directed prayers.

To read about negative and evil prayers, which includes prayers by terrorists, see Questions 10 and 11.

Some extra insights about goals in prayers.

Goal-directed prayers have concrete goals. Placebo effects also have concrete goals. Placebo effects can act like they are parallel placebo prayers alongside goal-directed prayers. Placebo effects operate unknown to the person praying. Expectation can be good in prayer, but expectation is also an element of how placebos work. The goals of placebo effects often override or mix with the goals of the person praying. Having such bifurcated goals of expectation mixed together might bring confusion or negation to a prayer's goal. The confusion occurs when expectations are different for a prayer versus a placebo. What if a goal-directed prayer has a similar goal to a placebo effect's goal? When these two thought-forces are moving in a similar direction, these two forces tend to strengthen each other. Spindrift calls this double dose of pushing goals, the piggyback effect. When a placebo effect is piggybacked with a person's faith in a goal, you have a stronger force, even though the two piggybacked forces may find they are in conflict with a holier purpose for the prayer. A holy purpose for a prayer often moves in a different direction than a prayer that is focused on a goal or a placebo effect focused on a goal. (A Journey into Prayer, page 246.)

How thoughts from a person's mind connect with other thoughts and subjects Spindrift labels Associational Linkage. The concept of thoughts linking is explained here and for a deeper explanation here. 

Contribution Two

What is a non goal-directed prayer? It's a prayer without a goal occupying thought.

The motive of a non goal-directed prayer is to not choose a goal. A person's will to choose is subdued enough from focusing on a goal, which means a concrete goal isn't occupying the mind, so goals are fluid.

What is different about a non goal-directed prayer? A non goal-directed prayer embraces a high level view of the outcome. By subduing the ego and its goals, the holiness of the prayer guides the outcome. A non goal-directed prayer clarifies the primary purpose of an identity or situation. That is, a non goal-directed prayer affirms the inherent purpose and identity behind the object of the prayer. It's a prayer of affirmation that affirms the divine truth of the identity about you or the truth that opens creative solutions to be found. During Spindrift's experiments, non goal-directed prayer tended to align an organism with its innate order and purpose to be a distinctive identity.

Like unconditional Love, non goal-directed prayer is unconditional prayer. Unconditional prayer is open-ended which means less stiffness, biases, and being selfish about goals. Prayer that is not focused on a goal can flow in a fluid mind that is free to embrace a situation with unbiased Love.

If non goal-directed prayer has a goal, its goal is to nudge a situation toward a true identity and a better order that is better or best for the circumstances.

Both goal-directed prayers and non goal directed prayers can have healing-mercy in their motives. The healing-direction of a non goal-directed prayer is often more aware of a proper outcome than a human being can conceive through his planning and goals alone.

"God, help me do the right thing whatever that is" is a non goal-directed prayer. "God, help me do the right thing" detaches us from our own goals and plans. Another example: "I pray for the outcome that is inline with Divine Mind." To suppress the ego and its goals and plans involves humbling oneself, and that isn't easy to do in our modern culture. "God humbles the proud and he gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6, Aramaic Bible in Plain English.) 

"Thy will be done" and "I'm open for what is best for the situation" describe non goal-directed prayer. (Matthew 6:10 and Luke 22:42.) "Thy will be done" unlocks the movement of Quality thought between Spirit and material form through a person's consciousness. Prayer that avoids the ego, an agenda, or a goal has elastic thought. Elastic thought is flexible thought. Open-ended prayer has elastic thought that can expect the unexpected. Expectation applied to "Call in the harvest" is more spiritual when we don't tell the harvest what to do. Flexible expectation in prayer is receptive to unexpected results.

   Some extra insights about having flexible goals and expectations. 

What allows a non goal-directed prayer to flow freely? A prayer flows freely when a concrete goal doesn't get in the way. Non goal-directed prayer is open-ended, so it isn't focused on specific goals and beliefs. That means a goal-free prayer is less susceptible of introducing bifurcated beliefs that push our goals, preconceptions, biases, agendas, and expectations. Placebo effects tend to respond to goals and beliefs. During the time that prayer doesn't believe in a concrete goal, placebo effects tend not to know what to believe in as a response to push their own goals. Without a belief in a goal to bounce off of, placebo effects tend to holdback or are suppressed enough to not add to the outcome of an open-ended prayer. That means non goal-directed prayer gives temporary freedom from what the five senses want. The five senses want to have goals. When a non goal-directed prayer stops suppressing goals, wants, and beliefs, the biological mind unfastens its goals, wants, and beliefs to begin projecting again, which includes the placebo effects. The competition from the biological mind to foist its ego, goals, and wants on the person praying shows the difficulty when praying a "Thy will be done" non goal-directed prayer.

How thoughts from a person's mind connect with other thoughts and subjects Spindrift labels Associational Linkage. The concept of thoughts linking is explained here and for a deeper explanation here.

Bruce Klingbeil explained the difference between a goal-directed prayer and a non goal-directed prayer. "One is the use of will. The other is the release of will." One deals with ego prayer and the other deals with egoless prayer. A non goal-directed prayer is a prayer for order outside what the ego wants from praying.

Spindrift speculates that the use of will and ego in goal-directed prayer is conducted from the left brain. The release of will and ego in non goal-directed prayer is conducted from the right brain.

With exceptions, the difference between goal-directed prayer and non goal-directed prayer is the difference between doing your own thing and receiving your best thing.

Similar to setting life-goals for oneself, when we set a goal in prayer for a short-term or long-term goal, our subsconsious minds begin to make plans to achieve the goal. Being spiritually minded is problematic for us because our subconscious mnds make plans to go after a goal. We should check the ego-motives behind our goals.

About petitionary prayer, asking and getting is often confused with asking and receiving.

Asking to get us things is goal-directed prayer. Asking in prayer tends to work hard to get us things. Petitionary prayer might be throwing all our begs into one ask-it (pardon the pun).

Asking to receive a proper goal is a higher motive in prayer. Our receptivity to receive another goal than the goal we want slices through the unintended consequences that may come from chosing a selfish goal.

Asking to get to a goal often entangles with the material appearance of what is being prayed-for. Most of us have this human temptation to insist on and dwell on what we want to be the answer to our prayers.

In contrast, a non goal-directed prayer avoids asking for a goal altogether. Non goal-directed prayer is receptive to change to receive appropriate attunements. A prayer that can get solid goals out of the way entangles with what is an appropriate match for the purpose and identity of the organism prayed-for.

You could say, goals focus on outer order and non goals focus on inner order.

Goal-oriented prayer looks at effects. Non goal-oriented prayer looks at a Cause to elicit effects.

Which of the two motives of prayer we feed will grow.

The term for intercessory prayer is IP prayer. Spindrift applies IP, IR, and GR to show types of prayer.

For example, goal-directed prayer is goal-referenced or GR. The effects from GR prayer are goal-directed, so they are referenced to specific goals. A GR prayer usually references outcomes toward a material end.

Non goal-directed prayer is identity-referenced or IR. An IR prayer references the blueprint of an identity that defines the norms, order, and purpose that supply an organism. IR prayer also references and adjusts outcomes toward an organism within the circumstances.

GR and IR prayers are like the search for a mate. It's not about looking for the right person. It's about being the right person. Looking for the right person is like GR prayer. Working on refining yourself and seeking your true identity is like IR prayer.

Bruce described the vital ingredient of a non goal-direct prayer "As pure spiritual love or holiness." Pure love and holiness are spiritual ingredients that help your identity to find definition. These divine ingredients are included in Jesus' long "Sermon on the Mount." (Matthew, Chapters 5 - 7.) Other ingredients of prayer are found in Philippians 4:6. "In everything by prayer, and by supplication (humble petitions by prayer), with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God." (Young's Literal Translation.)

One day in the Spindrift lab, John Klingbeil prayed for a yeast test. The results showed that John had zero results. Thinking about why he got no results, John recalled that during the test, his mind began to drift away from receiving inspirational thoughts to, "John, get all your work done fast." Why get all your work done fast? John remembered that he was distracted from his prayer by anticipating the goal of reading a book he wanted to finish.

A memorable success in the lab was the praying for yeast done by a woman who belonged to the Assembly of God Church. After several successful sessions healing batches of yeast, a Spindrift staff member asked her what she was thinking about in her prayers. She said in effect, "I just surrounded that beaker of yeast with God's Love, and I knew the yeast was being reached by that Love."

The two prayer motives are reviewed below.

It is wise to have goals in life and goals are sometimes a necessary and excellent idea.

Goals in prayer are also fine when they have the motive to address a need.

However, goals in prayer can be problematic. Trouble often comes to prayer when we get our ego-systems in the way. Selfish goals ignore long-term effects. Goals with selfish motives ignore what is the need. Instead, goal-directed prayers are often used to demand the things we want. Sometimes our egos and biases in prayers are used to hurt someone. Temptation focuses on a thought that becomes a goal.

Having a goal is closed-ended and tends to feed what we want to happen.

In contrast, having no goal is open-ended and tends to support what we need to happen.

Goal-directed prayer is conditional prayer. It's petitionary prayer. It's a prayer that asks for conditions to be met. Conditional prayer constructs borders to stay within, so goals arrive at specific results.

Non goal-directed prayer is unconditional prayer. Unconditional prayer has no borders or biases or conditions to be met. Prayer not tied to a goal can adjust circumstances in an unexpected way.

Non goal-directed prayer spiritually interprets our goals. For example, holy prayer operates to purify our goals. Holy prayer is a prayer for order. It suppresses our selfish goals. Non goal-directed prayer moves the ego out of the way. A non goal-directed prayer asks, "What is a fitting resolution versus what I want?"

U2's singer Bono said, "God is much more interested in who you are than who you want to be."

For your prayer, the ego is not your amigo. Reducing one's ego-system promotes a healthy ecosystem.

Contribution Three

The third contribution to science is the Spindrift Defense Mechanism Theory.

If you take your religious, UFO, and paranormal experiences too seriously, more often than not, your life is headed for trouble. Consider the Spindrift explanation for experiencing trouble:

How does trouble arrive for us when we give attention to our paranormal and spiritual experiences? When we decide to give focused attention to our memories of our paranormal experiences and spiritual healings, the subconscious mind hacks and distorts some of our memories.

Memory research illustrates that every memory we have is slightly distorted every time we remember it and repeat it. Bruce and John Klingbeil theorized that when we recall a memory about a psychic experience or a spiritual healing, the subconscious mind bends our slightly distorted memory a step further into distortion, so our recollection is not truthful. If we share our experiences, we are often earmarked for social rejection. 

Take notes about an experience immediately because distortion will soon intervene. Bruce said that a person's fresh paranormal experience quickly slides into memory. When people hear about the paranormal experience from memory, your experience often sounds like mythology to them. Claims of mythology show that testimonies and stories from memory aren't good data on their own. Some details change when repeated and repeated. True stories become more like mythologies.

After we experience psi, psi is manipulated.

Spindrift tracked the manipulation of psi (psychic phenomena). How was the manipulation of psi tracked? Our Defense Mechanisms hack and obfuscate some of the details of psi we are trying to remember soon after our fresh memories and during the recollection of our psychic and spiritual experiences. Spindrift mathematically followed the cover-up of the psi trail left behind by our Defense Mechanisms. At times you can look at psi, and not see psi, but psi is covertly there.

The Spindrift founders worked on ways to show the Defense Mechanisms at work to get human beings to forget, not notice, or wonder too deeply about their memories of psychic experiences.

When does this distortion of psi happen? When we try to remember our psychic and spiritual experiences.

Why? So we don't get too carried away into woo-woo. So we maintain a semblance of stability in our lives.

Another reason could be that if we have psychic abilities, the stress of knowing that truth about ourselves brings unwelcome responsibilities on us.

The Klingbeils proposed that scientists gain an awareness of this subconscious editing and blurring of psi. Without an awareness of psi being slippery and covert, paranormal phenomena will continue to evade scientists.

It's understandable that when a person is disturbed by his psychic experience or he experiences a failure of healing why he might deny any realism to the paranormal.

In contrast, when a person has a favorable psychic experience or spiritual healing, why would he deny the paranormal experience occurred or change his story about what happened? Bruce and John postulated that this avoidance of an experience and the inaccurate recollection of an experience is a phenomenon that intrudes on our unconscious thoughts during our awareness of recalling our paranormal memories. The phenomenon begins an internal dialogue that speaks to us to negate our memories or change details when our memories are about the paranormal.


Defense Mechanisms, DMs, are like perceptual demons. They throw us off the scent to notice convincing details about psi. It's a conspiracy in the mind. The conspiracy may choose to subtract some details, change some details, and misdirect some details in our memories.

If a man went bungee jumping, you would expect him to not forget he had that experience. Yet Bruce Klingbeil observed that when it came to a psychic experience or a spiritual healing, people knew it then, but some people would soon forget or deny they had that experience. If they did remember the experience, some details were changed, so their recollections became lies. This observation of changing details and denials initiated the research of the subconscious mind as a hacker of our recollections of the paranormal.

The Klingbeils asked, "If psychic and spiritual phenomena are happening around us, why is it we notice them briefly, then soon the experiences we had become slippery in memory, details change, sometimes the experiences are suppressed, and 99% of the time the experiences escape being verified?" Bruce and John postulated that it's our Defense Mechanisms, our DMs, in the subconscious mind that rarely allow psychic phenomena to display accurately. Unknown to us, our defenses work on us to not remember a clear picture of the psychic phenomena we experience. It's as if our Defense Mechanisms are Offensive Mechanisms when we experience a perceived danger. What is the danger? That we believe in the paranormal.

How does this interception of the perception of psi happen? The DMs in our under-mind undermine us. Deception is strongest when it gets us to look but not see. One part of the mind perceives a psychic event and another part of the mind obscures the psychic event. That is, a proactive psychic phenomenon happens that we consciously notice. Then an antagonistic Defense Mechanism soon counters the psychic phenomenon we noticed. Our momentary clear view of a psychic event becomes murky. Our DMs have orchestrated a hack. Our perceptual demons have thrown us off the scent of the paranormal once again.

People are unaware of DMs. Why? DMs operate in the subconscious mind. Like the movie, The Matrix, says: "The Matrix is a world pulled over your eyes.... You know it, but you can't explain it." The stronger people believe in psi, the stronger the Defense Mechanisms pull the cover over their eyes.

Defense Mechanisms try to direct us to maintain stable and productive lives when excessive thoughts about religion, sex, politics, paranoia, conspiracies, and the paranormal occupy the conscious mind. Ironically, the subconscious mind seems to be conspiring against us to not grasp some conspiracies.

When might DMs leave us alone? When we're not too serious.

There is an exception from a psychic memory being distorted. Defense Mechanisms don't mind if people have a casual interest in the paranormal. It's when people become serious and convinced of psi that the DMs go to work on them. It appears that DMs go after people who reminisce over their psychic experiences and leave people alone who don't dwell on their psychic experiences.

Why would our Defense Mechanisms want us to be misdirected, deny, or forget what we witnessed about a psychic or spiritual experience? Our DMs try to protect us from extreme and dangerous experiences. Our Defense Mechanisms attempt to misdirect us from perceiving some of the convincing details of our psychic and spiritual experiences. Why? So we stay on a normal life path. By being misdirected, we won't waste too many of our human resources on psychic, mystical, and religious interests. Otherwise, having too many woo-woo experiences could become too shocking, convincing, and time-consuming for us.

What do you mean by "too shocking, convincing, and time-consuming for us?" Our psychic or UFO or religious experiences might become extreme obsessions that disrupt the normal functioning of our daily lives, which includes our mental health. DMs don't want mental health issues to affect the stability of our work and family. Some people who experience vivid psychic, Extra-Terrestrial, religious obsessions, and even politics have abnormal lives that result in mental health issues. Some of these people have been driven to make poor decisions that have led to paranoid thinking and strained family relationships.

Some people are convinced that psychic episodes are the same as psychotic episodes.

DMs might fail to misdirect some of us who persist and dwell on our psychic and religious experiences. If we persist to remember what happened during a psychic experience or a spiritual healing, we may have avoided a portion of the Defense Mechanisms. DMs will still whisper in our ears that dwelling on our spiritual and psychic experiences could cause social problems for us. If we testify to a spiritual healing or a psychic experience, our defenses worry that we might forfeit the necessary survival instincts that keep us safe from many strange, foolish, and risky experiences.

A social price is paid unless you have high-social-status.

For those of us who persist we had a paranormal experience, some of us will find that our lives have become less than normal. Our Defense Mechanisms will beat on us to "Get back to your normal life and conform. Don't tell any more friends about your psychic experiences. If you do tell other people what happened to you, you are a fool. You will pay a social price for talking about it. For example, your friends and family may leave you for your foolish surveillances of psi, you'll feel stressed, you will experience hallucinations, and potentially you should experience evil."

The social price paid for persisting on the existence of the paranormal is in proportion to a person's social status in the community. The higher status one has, the less price he pays. A person with high social status may be forgiven a social payment over someone of lower status. Also, DMs love it when we tell lies because we don't tell about the true experience we had. A person who is perceived to have credibility, reputation, and status may be tempted to tell lies, which could bring into question any scintilla of truth about his experience, but he will be forgiven and still might be half-listened to because of his status. (See the word status in Question 8 here.)

Researchers, scientists, and professors who associate themselves with the title of parapsycologist can have their reputations tanished just by being associated with that title. The one exception is when a researcher has earned high status, then his or her reputation is saved, but only out of respect for the status. If fear is involved, even status won't help you. For example, actor George Clooney couldn't get anyone in Hollywood to sign his petition to have a comedy released in theatres about North Korea.

Aside from psychics and healers who are dishonest, those healers and psychics who convey some genuine abilities "are playing in a side court" different than the one they think they are playing in at the time. With some exceptions, when people with genuine abilities are asked to describe what they do, they are sidetracked by defensive forces that deflect a well-expressed explanation for a slippery explanation.

People with psychic and spiritual gifts should check themselves that their lives don't become too borderline. Bruce Klingbeil said that when you get into the paranormal, you often go down dark alleys, and it can be like walking on broken glass. The best advice is to try to stay normal while in the paranormal.

To summarize Defense Mechanisms, DMs.

When it comes to fringe phenomena, we are often snookered by our minds. How are we snookered? The DMs hack and blur some of the memories we have about our psychic experiences. This hacking disallows us to get an accurate fix on most psychic experiences. The mental manipulation and misdirection by our mortal minds to make our memories murky help us understand why psychic experiences and spiritual healings don't often make sense. They become slippery and avoid verification.

Why does this misdirection away from detail happen to us? Our Defense Mechanisms anticipate accurate paranormal information to be dangerous distracters for us to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our defenses try to suppress or change the details of our extreme experiences, so that our experiences lose conviction and credibility. When a proactive psychic force presents a phenomenon to us, an antagonistic defensive force garbles the psychic phenomenon. Without this "sleight of mind," our shocking religious and psychic experiences might overwhelm us. Our lives could become unstable from an obsession with paranormal experiences. If we persist that our psychic and spiritual experiences are real, our lives will become more zeal and less ideal. Our lives could become a mess. Potentially we could acquire mental health problems.

When the impediments of the DMs are subdued or sidetracked, deep spiritual feelings and psychic intuitions emerge that the conscious mind wouldn't be allowed to witness.

The shift-from-knowing oneself is an accepted dirty trick of the Defense Mechanisms. Rather than only spotlighting the Law of Attraction, the Klingbeils stressed the Law of Distraction presented by our defenses. When observers of psychic effects become alert to the manipulation of their psychic experiences by their Defense Mechanisms, the actions of this manipulation should be taken into account.

In short, if you take paranormal experiences seriously, your Defense Mechanisms will take you seriously.

Hypotheses that test the actions of DMs are found in The Spindrift Papers by John and Bruce Klingbeil.

For more information about Defense Mechanisms, click the

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Spindrift Research