“What often progresses mankind is when individuals think and see a new perspective.” ― Bill Sweet
We may learn from new perspectives. Welcome to the Spindrift Research website that describes two agendas of consciousness. These two agendas drive some prayers.
The website also describes the agendas of our 'defense mechanisms' that act like the Men in Black and The Adjustment Bureau to prevent human beings from becoming conscious of their spiritual gifts and the subtle gifts of intuition they didn't know they have.
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In 1969, Bruce and John Klingbeil began Spindrift Research. The father and son worked as Christian Science practitioners. In the afternoons, they worked as Christians in science applying the scientific method on the effects of Quality thoughts and non-quality thoughts on experiments of prayer. People notice when prayers are not answered. On a positive note, modest examples of prayers that do produce subtle answers, should trigger a curiosity worth investigation by some scientists and members of the public.
Spindrift tested two different premises of prayer. These two intentions showed perceptible differences. The two premises are: Volitional effects. Volitional effects are 'willful and pushy' effects. The other premise is holy Quality effects. Quality effects monitor and reference 'norms of order.' Quality holy prayer fights for order to appear out of chaos. Quality effects produce improvements through recognizable order. Order improves a situation. In contrast, pushy effects usually produce disorder.
The word spindrift means the turbulence atop waves during a storm in the ocean. The waves toss a fast stirring spray at the top of the waves. This fast spray is called spindrift. Spindrift spray hurts when it hits people in the face. Spindrift waves symbolize human thoughts being stirred-up for change.
The name Spindrift became a perfect fit because it described the turbulence and opposition to testing prayer in a science lab and the bizarre deaths of the two Spindrift founders.
Prayer is a popular universal subject of interest. Jesus Christ tells us people who pray are peacemakers. Yet some people felt Spindrift crossed the line when people volunteered to have their private prayers tested in a science lab. You would assume there would be enthusiasm for the scientific study of prayer. Unfortunately, the reality was far different. The members of Spindrift were chastised for testing prayer.
I was fortunate to meet the founders of Spindrift, the Klingbeils. Their work bridged a gap that has tracked the effects of some prayers. Skeptics have fun with the teasers, moral failures, and anomalies of Christianity and religion. Now skeptics include Spindrift's attempts to bring a fresh perspective between religion, consciousness, science, and the technological takeover of our minds and lives.
Negative prayers have no religious boundaries. Spindrift was the first group to warn the public about the negative and ugly prayers that some religions pray. The most well-known negative prayers are transmitted by Islamic terrorists. Spindrift found many people disbelieved any religion would pray negative prayers toward anyone even after the dark prayers of 911.
The purpose of this website is to keep active the Klingbeils’ data and approaches to measuring some actions of thought and prayer. For a PDF of the technical data of the experiments, ask for The Spindrift Papers: To receive a free copy, click the Contact Page above.
Bill Sweet has written a book, Spiritual Dynamite: Secrets From The Spindrift Files. This book covers the religious controversies in society and the experiments of Spindrift: Click the banner below for a review of another book by Sweet, A Journey into Prayer.